Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Take a look at PET QUARTERLY magazine. This magazine is available at many Vet offices, including Park Animal Hospital on 66th Street in Seminole. You will find so much information regarding dogs, cats and more!

Avoid the Pain ...
One article about cat health, regarding teeth, detailed tooth resorption and the pain it causes. Some of the info was tough to read, however, I was thrilled to learn that, although nothing can be done to prevent it, Vets can help avoid the disease.

Tooth resorption is the breakdown or destruction of a tooth, starting on the outside and working in. Check ups are the only way to detect this illness and x rays are truly necessary. The cure is as easy as tooth extraction. A diseased tooth is no good to the cat and ridding the kitty of the tooth will make the pain and illness dissipate!

Small red dots on the tooth and gums are a common sign of tooth resorption. These cavitations can be very hard to see--Again, Vet check ups are the key!

It is unknown what causes this defect. Something stimulates a cell that starts destruction microscopically and grows to the point of severely painful lesions. This will progress, eventually destroying the crown and root unless detected and treated early by your Vet.

A Happy Kitty ...
Cats will eat despite the pain, just as their wild ancestors did. They will hide the pain, making it tough to see until they have suffered far too much. This can permanently change the personality of your cat. Monitor with your vet and re-check every six months. Early detection, proper treatment and periodic monitoring will provide your sweet feline the opportunity to stay sweet, happy and pain free! Who doesn't want that?

I hope this information regarding cat health was helpful. Please keep a lookout for another blog in about two weeks. Until then, my best and enjoy your pet friends!

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