Sunday, January 3, 2010

Dog Training Misconceptions from BARK Magazine

Happy New Year!

A client & good friend gave me a subscription to BARK Magazine for Christmas! I have read my first issue (in an hour) & want to share.

Having a Beagle, I've learned how important proper training is, especially for lively breeds such as my Bailey. There are some misconceptions about training that I found interesting.

1) DO NOT stare down an aggressive or frightened dog! This poses threat to dogs who may already considering an attack. This will escalate it. This reminds me of a 108 lb Lab I cared for. He was very protective of his owner & the new baby. During my consult, he barked excessively. I sat on the futon with the the family, never making eye contact, but lowering my hand. It took 40 minutes for him to sniff my hand. I came back for a 2nd & 3rd consult and then felt comfortable to enter alone. Oscar was great and adorable. Do it their way - you will gain a pet pal & stay safe!

Kneeing a dog who jumps IS NOT smart. This can cause injury to a neck or chest, even with little force. Also, dogs respond to the angle of your torso & when you do this, you lean back, thus yielding space to the dog. Lean toward jumpers ... you will get a better reaction.

Dogs DO NOT necessarily love hugs - sorry! This is normally rude and threatening to a dog, due to natural pack tendencies. We aren't part of the pack however, so some dogs learn to adapt and even enjoy a hug, but not too tight or constricting!

Alpha rollovers DO NOT teach your dog who's boss & this doesn't control unruly behavior. This consists of pinning your dog on his back & staring. This terrifies your dog & may cause a lack of trust in him toward you. A dog will think of this more as a fighting tactic & we don't want that!

Fearful dogs WILL NOT become social through training or dog park trips. Socialization occurs during 3 to 12 weeks. A pup should be socialized during this time when he is alert & inquisitive. How you do this will determine happy from fearful - sweet from aggressive. Taking a fearful dog to class or the dog park can make them more afraid. If he is repeatedly frightened, he will most likely become more so.

BARK Magazine states that the best training info comes from true professionals (not necessarily on camera), so obtain advice of true experts & get the "scoop!"

Thanks to Becky for the great gift & the wonderful homemade dog treats! Try the recipe below and if you have recipes or training tips, feel free to answer through this blog!

Check back in a couple of weeks. Until then, enjoy your pet friends!

1/4 cup honey
2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup sugar-free applesauce
2 tablespoons canola oil
3 tablespoons carob powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 cup warm water
1 teaspoon vanilla

Preheat to 350.
Whisk all ingredients. Oil mini muffin pan. Fill each with approximately 1 tablespoon batter. Bake for 12 minutes & cool.
Taste em--they are all people ingredients & yummy! They freeze well too!


  1. Nancy, You have done a phenomenal job of informing your contacts about important issues with pets. Your most current blog post is no exception. You do more than advertise your services. Your blog and other efforts really let the public know you are THE "goto" person for pets and other related services. Congratulations!

  2. Good article, Nancy. Is Bark Mag local or ???
