Saturday, August 7, 2010

Pets And Flying ... Stressful Times

A secure carrier is key to safe air travel for pets.
A secure carrier is key to safe air travel for pets.

Much of this information comes from CNN Travel ...
  • From May 2005 to May 2010 there were 144 reported deaths of pets during air travel
  • "Some pets just don't travel well," says Veterinarian Kimberly May
  • "The most important thing you can do is have a safe and reliable pet carrier,",she says
  • Dr May says do not sedate your animal before flight

My dog Bailey traveled by plane just once, from Raleigh, NC to Syracuse, NY. She got car sick, so I thought it was the best option. It was a 90 minute direct flight. The Vet gave me a light sedative for her. All went just fine. I have been tempted to do it again over the years, as my family would love to see her, however I have steered away from this choice. Why? I have heard frightening stories from friends and a family member who worked for an airline.

Seven dogs died this week after traveling in the cargo hold of an American Airlines flight to Chicago.

From 5/2005 to 5/2010 there were 144 reported deaths of pets during air travel, according to data from the Department of Transportation. 122 were dogs. Fatalities during flight is an "extremely small percentage of the total number of pets carried each year by the airlines," the DOT said in a July, 2010 news release.

A Veterinarian's No. 1 one piece of advice? Ask yourself if it is really necessary to take your pets at all.

Here is what Vet Kimberly May (American Veterinary Medical Assn) says about pets and flying ...

"Some pets just don't travel well. To safeguard against such a tragedy with your family pet, plan ahead and consider these tips:"

Let a Safe Carrier Be Your Pet's Safe Place

Many people assume climate conditions are the biggest threat to animals, but the quality of your pet carrier plays a bigger role in your pet's safety.

Trying to escape is obvious with a stressed dog. If you don't have a reliable carrier, being transferred from airport to plane is a dangerous time. New smells, lots of people - an airport is a very overwhelming place! If your pet gets loose and runs, you may never see him again!

Study the AVMA's brochure on pet travel, which contains guidelines to choosing a good carrier.

Plan Ahead:

Allow your pet to get comfortable with the crate weeks before flight. Leave it out for him to get use to and even sleep in. Place water & occasional treats in the crate. This will hopefully reduce fright on travel day.

Muggy Planes

Do you remember the plane being hot & muggy before takeoff? A plane's climate controls aren't fully functioning when on the ground. This is even more unpleasant for a confined animal wearing a fur coat, locked in cargo with luggage!

Be Sure Your Pet is Healthy Enough for Travel
  • Pre-existing conditions play a huge role in how smoothly animals travel. A pet who is ill will not travel well. Don't do it!
  • Animals crossing state lines must have up-to-date vaccines. Owners should obtain a certificate of veterinary inspection; many airlines will require one that is issued within 10 days prior to departure.
  • It may also be in your pet's best interest to get an acclimation certificate from a Vet, which is basically a statement from your vet saying the animal is healthy enough to travel and can withstand the temperatures it might face doing so.

Ask Your Vet About Sedation

Dr May frowns on sedating your pet. Sedatives work in different ways & have other effects besides calming animals down. Sedatives can cause both cardiac and respiratory depression.

Know the Risks ... Know Your Pet

The DOT found that short-faced dogs such as Pugs and English Bulldogs are more prone to death in flight. Dogs cool off by panting, so short-nosed dogs struggle to keep cool. Talk to your Vet or just don't put these breeds in cargo.

Don't forget - pets 15 lbs and under can fly with you, if in the correct carrier. This weight may vary among airlines.

While there are risks to traveling with your pet by air, sometimes it is unavoidable, and the vast majority of pets do arrive safely. Making an educated decision with your vet and planning ahead can greatly improve your pet's travel experience.

I hope this information proved helpful. I look forward to supplying more info on this blog in the near future. Until then, enjoy your animal friends.

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